Carolyn Tate, creator of The Purpose Project, is helping people at work find their ‘why’.
Purpose and meaning at work can solve mental health issues
Each year, October hosts World Mental Health Day. 1 in 5 Australians are affected by mental health and have time off work each year for issues such as stress, anxiety and depression.
Johann Hari, author of Lost Connections, worked with leading experts from around the globe to research the causes of mental health issues. He showed that there is scientific evidence for nine different causes of anxiety and depression. Two of them are in our biology but most are not, and they are to do with the way we live.
Depression can be caused by our unmet human needs including disconnection from people (loneliness and a lack of belonging), disconnection from our natural world, loss of hope for a better future and finally, lack of purpose and meaning in our work.
Given that we spend over half our waking hours each day, and up to one-third of our life at work, we can no longer just pretend that it’s okay to turn up to a job that doesn’t fulfill us. At Seated Massage, we’re doing our bit to remedy this through the relationships we establish with those we provide ethical touch. Our friend, Carolyn Tate, a fellow B Corp and author of The Purpose Project is impacting in another way. She believes we don’t need to quit our job to go in search of purpose and meaning and that we can all start right where we are, no matter where we work.
Carolyn is launching The Purpose Project Online Course on Monday 14 October. We’ll be sure to let you know exactly when and where you can check it out. In the meantime, enjoy this free sample of her book to get you started.