Prosocial behaviours are intended to help other people, characterised by a concern about the rights, feelings and welfare of others. Behaviours that can be described as prosocial include feeling empathy and concern for others and behaving in ways to help or benefit other people. Part of our mission is to enhance prosocial behaviour in workplaces, like we’ve done at a major Australian financial institution*.
A ‘big four’ bank approached Seated Massage seeking a massage solution for their call centre staff in one of their Sydney locations. Having trialed a number of other experiences including Yoga and Tai Chi as part of their internal wellbeing program, they found massage proved the most popular, due to its simplicity and immediate, tangible benefits.
Seated Massage proposed a program of 5-minute roving or ‘at desk’ massage
We utilised a team of professional massage practitioners visiting on a fortnightly basis to support the Operations team. This solution was ideally suited as there is minimal disruption to the working environment; each staff member receives their massage whilst seated in their own office chair and it is the perfect option for treating large numbers of people.
The cycle of regularity has been fortnightly or monthly dependent on the needs of the client.
We are delighted to continue to work closely with our client contact, co-creating the vibrant and thriving workplace both employer and employees love working within. We’re pleased to say further proof of the success of the program for the Operations team lies in the numerous internal referrals they have provided.
SafeWork NSW says: “Worker recognition and reward are powerful tools in any workplace. They are ongoing ways of showing appreciation and affirming the positive efforts of workers. Thanking workers motivates them and encourages more of the same actions that make a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) successful. Workers who feel appreciated are more positive about themselves and their ability to contribute.”
*Name of the organisation and of individuals have been withheld at their request.
Find out more about Prosocial behaviours and how to encourage them here.
Pic credit: Shane O’Neil